Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Casey Anthony Allegedly Had Sex to Pay for Her Legal Fees

.Remember Casey Anthony? The 30-year-old woman who was accused–and later acquitted–of murdering her young daughter Caylee? You haven’t thought about her in a while, right?
Well, you’re about to again. Why? RadarOnline.com published a crazy report today (May 24) claiming Anthony had sex with her lawyer Jose Baez to pay for her legal fees. In other words, prostitution.
Granted, this is just one report–from a tabloid known to get stories wrong, no less–but this is too interesting for us not to discuss. According to RadarOnline, a private investigator hired by Baez during the case found out Anthony was trading sexual favors for legal representation. Apparently, the sleazy truth came to light after Baez got Anthony out of an interview she didn’t want to do in 2008.
“[Baez] called the network saying they would have to take a raincheck, hung up the phone and said to Casey: ‘You now owe me three blowjobs,’ ” PI Dominic Caseysaid, RadarOnline.com reports. (The investigator reportedly gave the testimony earlier this year in a bankruptcy case.)
But it gets crazier. The investigator claims he saw a “naked Casey” run from Baez’s chambers one evening. “That night, I told her that she cannot allow him to continue engaging in this behavior. … Casey told me she had to do what Jose said because she had no money for her defense,” Mr. Casey said, according to documents RadarOnline.com snagged.
How bananas is that?!